Comments on: Want to Join Us? of Middle-Grade Authors Wed, 07 Sep 2022 12:20:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annabelle Fisher Mon, 13 Jun 2016 18:19:52 +0000 From the Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler is one of my all-time, best-loved MG books and your Mixed-Up MG website is my favorite site for MG writers. Yes it’s flattery, but it’s also sincere. If you had a waiting list for members, I’d be on it. (Sigh.) If you’re ever in need of a guest blogger, I’d be happy to volunteer.

By: GL Wilson (@takethecoins) Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:36:16 +0000 Hi everyone

This is a fantastic site and I’ve just subscribed to your newsletter.
I’m a British writer for children and haven’t come across anything like this on this side of the pond.
I’m a member of the Society of Authors here and used to be represented by Watson Little but after illness put a stop to my teaching career I stopped writing.

Several years ago I started to develop an idea and have found getting back into writing a huge bonus in my life. Which is why, when I finished a new novel I decided to go down the self publishing route. I used an old friend at Penguin as editor and I am looking forward to seeing if I can find a market for my work.
Without wishing to sound too dramatic the whole undertaking makes it easier to get up in the mornings!

As I say, I’m looking forward to reading all about what your group is up to.

Best wishes to all your writers, readers and teachers.

My book is available at:

My website is :

GL Wilson.

By: Philip Martin Sun, 07 Dec 2014 18:48:33 +0000 FYI, here’s a list from ForeWord Magazine of 10 Best Indie Middle Grade Novels of 2014.

By: Nancy Messmore Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:11:30 +0000 Oh my gosh, would you be interested in having a children’s librarian join your ranks? I would love to add my perspective–someone that’s in the trenches recommending & discussing books with “tweens”. I’ve got experience blogging–I had 2 moderately popular review blogs (one for children’s materials through age 11 and one for teen/young adult reviews) that I’ve let lapse because the focus was way too wide. Being able to blog again, with a narrower focus, would be so much fun!

By: Bobbi Miller Sat, 01 Nov 2014 22:41:09 +0000 How exciting that you are now open for membership! I’ve subscribed to your blog for quite a while. Also, I was featured on your blog with the publication of my first middle grade, BIG RIVER’S DAUGHTER. My second grade novel, is Girls of Gettysburg and was released by Holiday House (Aug. 2014). It comes recommended by Booklist as “a unique, exciting work.” School Library Journal calls the book a “riveting historical fiction.” The book is listed as a Hot Pick on Children’s Book Council for September 2014. It also comes recommended by the Historical Novel Society, an international literary society: “This book is gripping, the details strong, and the characters compelling. The historical detail is engrossing, as are the experiences of these three remarkable girls. … I was very much emotionally engaged by this book, and feel it is a wonderful junior companion to the likes of Shaara’s or Peters’ books about the same battle.”

My first middle grade novel, Big River’s Daughter (Holiday House, 2013) comes recommended by the International Reading Association, and was nominated for the Amelia Bloomer Project (American Library Association, 2013). The book is listed on A Mighty Girl’s Top 2013 Mighty Girl Books for Tweens and Teens.

Let me know what I need to do if you think this is a good fit! Bobbi Miller

By: M.J. Evans Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:53:19 +0000 I am excited to learn that you have membership openings. I am the author of four middle-grade fantasies including the award winning allegory of the revolutionary war (but with Trolls and Leprechauns!) titled “North Mystic.”
You can check out my work on my website:

Please let me know what I need to do to be considered for membership.
Thanks you for developing such a great site!
M.J. Evans

By: Steven Donahue Tue, 10 Sep 2013 18:00:11 +0000 I love your site and would like to join when there is an opening. I am Steven Donahue, author of Amy the Astronaut and the Flight for Freedom.

By: Mary Ryan Mon, 13 May 2013 12:24:50 +0000 I’d love to join this group. Just stumbled upon it last week and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. I’ve published six books with traditional publishers, including Me Two, which became the Disney Channel movie, The Other Me. It’s still available through iUniverse’s Back in Print program with Author’s Guild. I’ve done some POD, as well.

By: Lisa Orchard Sun, 21 Apr 2013 21:28:57 +0000 Hello! I’m Lisa Orchard the author of the middle grade Super Spies mystery/thriller series. I have published two books in the series and the third one will be available in August. I would love to be considered for membership and I’m willing to help in any way that is needed. Thanks so much for your time and consideration.

By: Gayle Rosengren Fri, 01 Mar 2013 21:54:24 +0000 In reply to Marlene Fitzwater.

@Marlene Fitzwater,
Hello Marlene,
Sure, I’d love to connect and exchange experiences. My book just went to copyediting and sales/marketing, so I’m entering the home stretch. 🙂 I have one more MG historical in the revision stage and a contemporary just completed (for the moment, anyway!). Who have you published with so far?
