Author Interviews

Interview with Emma Carlson Berne, author of Shabbat Sabotage!

Hello Mixed-Up Filers!

We have a treat for you today! An interview with with a friend, and author of the new book, Shabbat Sabotage, out soon from Yellow Jacket, and a PJ Our Way selection. Please help us welcome Emma Carlson Berne!

Emma, thanks for joining us today!

JR: To start with, I really enjoyed this! Maya is my daughter’s name, so I loved having the main character with the same name. Can you tell us a little bit about Shabbat Sabotage and where the idea came from?

ECB: I was a pretty fearful person growing up (actually, I’m still a total coward), and one of my sons was kind of a fearful child, so I really wanted to write about fear and secrets and how those two things can prey on each other. I like the idea that at summer camp, where adults sort of fade into the background, that’s where the characters can really roll in around in the very real, sometimes very dark, world of kids alone, together.

JR: I love a good summer camp story! Tell us a little bit about Maya.

ECB: Maya really is not a camp kid but I like to think that she becomes one over the course of the book. She doesn’t like getting dirty, she’s afraid of all kinds of things – swimming is the main one in this story – and she’s just not sure about the whole togetherness-in-a-cabin, sleeping-away-from-home thing. It takes a place like Camp Shalom and a friend like Dani to show her that she can grow to love camp while still being herself.

JR: Good advice. What are the similarities and differences between you and Maya?

ECB: I spent most – okay, all – of my childhood reading, and I didn’t like getting sweaty or dirty and I was afraid of a lot of things, like loud people, and big people, and deep water, and muddy water. . .it was a long list. I wanted to write that girl – the one who doesn’t have any desire to be the hero, who doesn’t even want to be the protagonist. She just wants to be left alone to read her book or think to herself or hide.

JR: I’d like the same thing now, but it never happens. Did you go to camp when you were Maya’s age?

ECB: Yes, I definitely did. I was obsessed with horses, so I usually went to horse camp. I was very small when I was Maya’s age and really skinny, so my main memory is of being kind of weak and unable to lift things like saddles, and unable to reach the horse’s head to put on its bridle. I remember being in a really far away part of a stable at horse camp, with everyone else off somewhere else, and trying to lift up this horse’s hoof, which was like as big as my head, and just being unable to get it up at all. It was like lifting a boulder. I think I just gave up after awhile. Probably when some adult asked me if I’d picked her feet, I just lied and said yes.

JR: You dedicated the book to Camp Livingston. How similar is Camp Livingston to Camp Shalom?

ECB: My oldest son has gone to Camp Livingston for the last few years, and we’re friends with the director, so this was a natural place for me to go in my imagination. I based the layout of Camp Shalom on Camp Livingston and the songs they sing, and the director, and some of the rituals. But I also asked my friends for their best and worst camp memories and I slapped some of those in there – like the gum tree – and I also mined my own memories as well. The girl with the pith helmet is based on a real person from my own past.

JR: What is it about mysteries that appeals to you?

ECB: Most mysteries – at least, the ones I like to read and write – are a little dark. Sometimes, a lot dark. I love thinking about secrets and hiding and what keeping secrets does to a person’s relationships. So the mysteries I write tend to be based more on the way people act together and treat each other, rather than logic puzzles, where lots of clues fall into place at once.

 JR: There are some humorous moments between Maya, Dani, and Yael, as well as some more touching ones. How difficult was it to try and strike the right balance?

ECB: Writing humor is hard, as you know, Jonathan, being a very funny guy yourself. You have to be relaxed to write funny and I’m sometimes kind of tense when I write. I want the story to go well, I want to get the words out in the right way – that kind of thing makes me tense up. So when I was writing the more loose, funny parts, I found I needed to write quickly, just splash the words on the page and not think about it too much. Then the funny comes out more naturally.

 JR: I first met you on a wonderful PJ Library trip. Shabbat Sabotage is part of PJ library’s children’s book division, PJ Our Way. Tell us a little bit about PJ Library and how they came to your book.

ECB: We met on the 2018 Author Israel Adventure and it was wonderful, wasn’t it? We went to Israel with PJ Library and a bunch of other authors and spent a week touring and learning. I took so many notes during our trip and fiddled around with many ideas, but in the end, I asked PJ, “What kind of book do you want that no one else has shown you?” and they thought about it and came back with, “You know, what we really want is kind of a girl Encyclopedia Brown, but at summer camp.” You got it, I thought. This is a story I know how to write. And boom, SHABBAT SABOTAGE was born.

JR: That simple. 🙂 How hands on have they been through the process?

ECB: Very hands-on, which is exactly what I asked for. I wanted to write a book tailored for PJ, so I asked if they would look at each draft after I finished. They would give me notes, which I would incorporate into the next draft, and so on. When I was done, everyone knew what kind of manuscript they were getting. It was a great, collaborative, really rewarding process.

JR: That actually sounds great. You’ve written books in the Star Wars franchise. How cool was it to get to use official characters in a story?

ECB: Jonathan, so fun. So cool. The Lucasfilm Story Group read my manuscripts for the Star Wars books, and gave me notes, and I felt like hot s**t. But I also felt a lot of pressure – people have strong feelings about these characters and there were many, many readers and writers who know a lot more Star Wars than I do. I didn’t want to let anyone down. I also didn’t want to sound stupid. It’s a fine line.

 JR: What are you working on next?

ECB: And now for something completely different – sparkly, crime-fighting dragons! I have a graphic novel series called Sparkle Dragons coming out in May from Clarion. It’s a book about a posse again, like the girls of Shabbat Sabotage, except that these are dragons, so, different, and they live in a magical kingdom run by a selfish princess, so, also different. And they fight crime, so that’s sort of like Maya and Dani and the rest.

 JR: That sounds awesome! Looking forward to reading. Where can people find you on social media?

ECB: On Twitter, I’m @emmacberne and on Facebook, I’m at Emma Carlson Berne Books. And my Instagram looks like of sad and weird because I don’t really know how to use it, but there I’m emmacarlsonberne (I’m actually not sure if I’m even writing my handle in the right way). And my website is Message me to talk books and writing!

JR: Emma, thanks so much for spending time with us today, and the best of luck with Shabbat Sabotage!


That’s it for now, Mixed-Up Files friends. Make sure you get a copy of Shabbat Sabotage, and until next time . . .


It’s the End of the World and I’m in my Bathing Suit: Interview with the Justin A. Reynolds

It’s the End of the World and I’m in my Bathing Suit. Doesn’t that title say it all? From the start, we know we are embarking on a sci fi story—and a funny one at that. I am so glad to have gotten to read the newest book by Justin A. Reynolds as I find science fiction such an intriguing genre.

About the Book

Hi Justin! Thank you for sharing It’s the End of the World and I’m in my Bathing Suit with us. Can you give us a short summary about the book?

Eddie’s spent half a summer waiting for this one day: Beach Bash, his town’s annual awesome beach party. Except on the morning of, Eddie’s told he can’t go…unless he does his least favorite chore of all-time, LAUNDRY. Yuck. But when the power goes out mid-washing cycle, Eddie, along with a few friends from the neighborhood, soon discover that not only are they probably not gonna make it to Beach Bash, their families and friends (and entire town) may never come back.

When did it come out?

April 5th, 2022!

About the Author

Did you always want to be an author? Tell us a little about your writing journey.

Absolutely. In kindergarten I wrote on green construction paper, I want to be a writer when I grow up. It was a long, windy road to get to this point, and there were a lot of times I didn’t know how it was ever gonna happen, but it was well worth the journey.

You have a great cast of characters. Who do you relate to the most?

This is gonna seem like a cop-out, but the truthful answer is, all of them. They’re all composites of people I know, of myself, of random experiences, of chaotic creative energy—and I love all five of them. But I’ll pick one for the sake of the question and I’ll say Eddie, because his brain is much like mine, kind of all over the place, and rather than accept it as a weakness, for Eddie it’s his superpower.

I have to ask: Did you have to wash your own clothes growing up (and did you try Eddie’s brilliant plan to save it all to do at once)?

My mom did most of my laundry until I was probably 15 or 16 and then I voluntarily took it over from there. And unfortunately, when I was growing up, I did not try Eddie’s brilliant plan. Not because I don’t believe in it, I do, but because I wasn’t smart enough to come up with it back then. Man, how kid justin would’ve loved that idea though, haha!


Would you say you’re more of a plotter or pantser?

Plantser. 100% a plantser.

Can you tell us whether a sequel is coming out (and when!)?

I can neither confirm nor deny there’s a sequel in the works. That said, there is definitely a sequel in the works. Or is there??

I see your books Opposite of Always and Early Departures are also science fiction. Is that your jam? Did you grow up enjoying science fiction?

I love science fiction, yes. It’s for sure my jam. I love how it wrestles with life’s big questions. I love the breadth and scope of its imaginative powers. And I love the hope it so often provides.

Your chapter titles crack me up (I was hoping someone would catch me reading and be impressed I was on chapter 3600!). Any tips for writing humor?

I actually don’t set out to write jokes in my stories. I imagine if I did they’d be awful because in real life, whenever I try to be funny, my jokes land with a thud, ha. But I find when I’m letting the story come to me, when I’m not trying to steer it any one direction, even in the most serious of moments, there’s always a natural levity there, waiting for a laugh.

Information for Teachers

Are you doing school visits related to this book? Tell us more!

Yes, this story is classified MG by the good folks that classify things, and so far I’ve done school visits from 4th grade and up. It’s been a lot of fun.

How can we learn more about you?


Twitter: andthisjustin

IG:  justinwritesya

TikTok: andthisjustin

My mom

Thank you for your time, Justin!

Thank you for having me! 😀


World Building with Bestselling #Kidlit Author Lisa McMann

Author Lisa McMann stopped by The Mixed-Up Files Of Middle Grade Authors to talk about hew new middle-grade fantasy, THE FORGOTTEN FIVE: MAP OF FLAMES; world building; and what goes in to writing a series. Here, she shares her process on beginning a new series and what to do about readers who don’t start from the beginning. 

Mixed-Up Files: Tell us about your new book.

The Forgotten Five: Map of Flames by Lisa McMann

Lisa McMann: THE FORGOTTEN FIVE: MAP OF FLAMES is the first book in a middle grade fantasy series. It’s about five supernatural kids, raised in isolation, who enter a hostile-to-supers civilization for the first time to search for their missing criminal parents…and the stash they left behind.

MUF: Let’s talk about world building. How does the shape of a series come about? Do you come up with a single story first, or a world you want to flesh out?

LM: I usually come up with the immediate setting first—where are we when the story begins? In MAP OF FLAMES, it’s a criminals’ hideout on a beach with no electricity, no technology, just a handful of cabins in a lush setting that’s isolated from the modern world. Next I came up with the destination—where are these kids going and what does that look like. I wanted a big contrast between the two things here, so I went with a NYC or Chicago-type of city. When I imagined how the kids would get from one place to the other, the map of southern Europe factored in—I pictured the hideout at the boot heel of Italy, and the big city of Estero at the bottom of Spain (though I brought them closer together so it wouldn’t take so long to get there). So that map was in my head, as well as the contrasting locations. In one of my other series, THE UNWANTEDS, the hidden magical world of Artimé is designed to look like a place where my mother grew up, along the shore of Lake Michigan. I took that real life location and added magic to it.

The Unwanteds by Lisa McMannFor me the shape of the series comes from two things: developing flawed characters and their relationships, and introducing a plot in which the antagonists push the protagonists too far, forcing these main characters to take action. Both things drive the series, with all kinds of setbacks as the heroes attempt to overcome evil and build strengthening relationships at the same time. The bigger the world and its problems, and the more troubled the characters and their need to fix themselves, the longer the series can run.

MUF: What are the biggest challenges in writing a series, and how does that compare when you write a stand-alone novel?

LM: Now you’ve got me looking back at my career and realizing I’ve only ever written three stand-alones out of 28 books. So maybe my biggest challenge is being able to write a book and actually tie up all the loose ends!

With a series, you are writing a story arc within each individual book, but also a story arc for the whole series. That can be tricky to get the hang of—parts of the plot need to resolve while other parts need to become more conflicted. It’s definitely something that my editors have helped me see and understand in past series’. It really takes a conscious effort to recognize the two different arcs.

Author Lisa McMann

Lisa McMann, author. Photo by Ryan Nicholson

MUF: Do you expect that readers will always read in order, or do you find that many people jump in in the middle of a series? If that’s the case, how do you provide back story for new readers without turning off anyone who’s started with book #1?

LM: I absolute wish I could force everyone to read the books in order—I’m a bit controlling this way, haha. But I know this doesn’t always happen. In the early pages of every sequel, I try to weave in key elements of things that happened in the past, kind of the same way TV shows give you the recap of important scenes from the previous episodes. I don’t want this to ever feel heavy-handed or annoying for those faithful readers who read the books in order, though. So it’s a delicate balance to inform or remind but not overdo.

MUF: How much collaboration is involved with your editor on a book series?

LM: I think this depends more on the editor than the writer. Some editors want an outline ahead of time that they can contribute to or approve of. Others are fine with letting an author do their thing and being surprised with the way a book turns out. Both ways work. I prefer not having to write an outline, because I feel like doing that takes something away from the creative process of writing the story—it feels limiting. But if that’s what the editor needs, I’m happy to provide it.

MUF: How do you keep track of your characters and their environment so you don’t forget details?

LM: I keep it all in my head. I might jot down a few notes on my phone app—notes about a key sentence that will carry through to the next book. But it’s also not too difficult to search for the information I need in previous books if I can’t remember something. I know many writers keep copious notes and use other means to track everything—they are likely cringing right now. I just work a different way. I can see a picture of things in my mind. I think my book details take up most of the space in my brain because I can’t remember what I had for breakfast.

MUF: If you would like to share any recent/new-ish middle grade books you’ve enjoyed, we’d love to hear your recommendations! 

All Thirteen

LM: I love Kelly Yang’s Front Desk Books. And Christina Soontornvat’s non-fiction All Thirteen. On my nightstand I have A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow and The School for Whatnots by Margaret Peterson Haddix—excited to dive in!







You can find Lisa at @lisa_mcmann on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram and /McMannFan on Facebook